Elaina Zhu

Elaina ZhuPhotosPosts

Hey, I'm a student at Oxford University (opens in a new tab). I enjoy solving problems and making everything prettier! My website is still in development, so please forgive me for the bugs :,)

I love ice skating, karaoke, dancing(horribly), photography, digital drawing, cats, miniskirts, learning japanese, 凉菜, the ocean, cosplaying, kuromi, card games. (in no particular order)

I have a love-hate relationship with coding. Recently, I participated in EGOI (opens in a new tab) in Sweden, and before that I was awarded with Top Female Medalist in NOI (opens in a new tab) in 2023. working on machine learning at ASTAR's (opens in a new tab) BII (opens in a new tab): piqued my interest in this field, and I have taken several online courses, and obtained a certification (opens in a new tab) from Google!

My family is in Hong Kong and China, but I call Singapore home as I have spent most of my life there. (click on the countries to check out my experiences in each of them!) I enjoy exploring different cities, and I have travelled to

(I hope I will have time to do write-ups about each of them because I have a lot to talk about!!)

I hope to visit (this is also in no particular order)

Heres my obligatory personal website photo:

